ha ha, hello. no, i didn't die, i was just beaten by my lack of frequncy and things to talk about XD
coming from the last post, the music is done (not exactly but i won't be changing anything cuz i gave myself a deadline and intend
to respect it) and it is here !!
lots of things i'd change buuuuuuut it's best to move on to the next so i have more experiences.
available on
and, will write it here to put pression on myself so i actually do it, i will make some layout changes, some thing i want to
change. may not be next post's topic, but will eventually come.
also i have a kinda big drawing in progress, maybe i'll finish it this year :O (actually two but we don't talk about the
other one)
and that is it. i would say "till next week" but we both know that's probably a lie
later o/